Looking and Moving Forward in Faith

The Pause before the Go:  Finding the Presence and Faithfulness of God in Hard Times:

Lesson 6:  Looking and Moving Forward in Faith:  2nd Timothy 3:18 – 4:8

Download the lesson here.

A half-mile off Half Moon Beach in Northern California, lays a surfing spot known simply as “The Mavericks”.  Some of the largest waves in the Pacific Ocean break across this spot from late December through February and professional surfers come from all over the world to ride them.  It is an incredibly exhilarating yet dangerous activity…  Besides the dangers of icy-cold waters, unseen reefs, and Great White Sharks that feed on the abundant sea-lion population, the deadliest factors are the waves themselves.  At the Mavericks waves can range upward in height from 20 to 50 feet and break across a surfer’s body with the force of over 4400 metric tons breaking bones, cracking skulls, and forcing a “wiped-out” surfer down to depths of over 60 feet.  A wiped-out surfer must be able to regain his or her equilibrium and find their way to the surface before the next wave breaks, else they will drown.   The constant momentum of the waves is unstoppable and can vary from speeds of 35 to only 22 seconds between breakings.  The pure beauty and raw power of the waves is seen in their relentless momentum; they are an unstoppable force of nature that constantly and consistently move forward; surfer’s must catch and match the wave’s momentum or face the consequences.

            In our passage out of 2nd Timothy 3 and 4 we see Paul’s weaving a Legacy of Faith from “Witness to Worker.”  Paul encourages, and challenges Timothy to not only keep the Faith, help other believers, and proclaim the Gospel but deliver the duties of his ministry in a way of faith that is worthy of the Gospel he is preaching, and the God he is serving.  Just an aside here, but don’t just make a resolution to “have faith” in hard times (that’s too “sketchy and vague”), instead make it a resolution to have a faith in JESUS that is worthy of the Gospel we have all received- A faith that can move mountains, a faith rooted in love, and the Word of God (remember: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” Romans 10:17), a faith that grows and lasts and that is completely dependent upon God in prayer and trust.  It is that type of faith that leaves a powerful witness, and is impactful for the Kingdom.

            Paul gives Timothy a powerful motes operandi (M.O.) for developing this kind of faith. In this passage, Paul shows Timothy how to fight, how to finish, and how to look and move forward.  It is befitting that in this current crisis we should discuss Paul’s point of encouragement in looking and moving forward in faith.  Just like a surfer catching and riding the momentum of a powerful wave so must Timothy, so must all of us catch the overall momentum of God’s plans for our lives through the Gospel and to do that we must look forward…  In surfing, timing is critical, one must accurately predict where and when the wave will break- looking ahead not to one’s own goals but the “breaking goal” of the wave to ride it successfully.  Paul has not made light of the many hardships, persecutions, tribulations and troubles he has faced in ministry and the ways they have challenged his faith (look at 3:11) but what is it that gave him and will give Timothy the strength to endure?  What is Paul looking forward to?  What’s the goal?  What’s the reward?  God giving him the crown of righteousness! 

I’ve had the distinct privilege to work with several aged saints and ministers of the Gospel.  I’ve come into their lives not at the beginning, not at the apex of their human accomplishments, but towards the end of their last few miles to the goal, and oftentimes the hardest miles- the biggest and most unpredictable waves of life and service to God happen at these times.  Regrets and unfinished business pile up while physical problems and fatigue sets in.  Feelings of loneliness, exhaustion, uselessness, and despair can paralyze the saints.   What keeps one going what helps us to stay on the momentous waves, on the course of God’s love and service to Him? 

The old networks and things we used to depend upon are either gone, or changed so drastically we have a hard time connecting (a point that is illustrated by the Corona Pandemic Crisis- none of our previous “personality” and “program” driven worship is now effective).  We find ourselves wondering if we can even trust our own faculties to carry us through each day.  What kept Paul going? What will keep us going?   What has kept His saints going over the course of a lifetime?!  Keeping our eyes on the prize, on the one who calls us heavenward…  Remember that old song; We are climbing Jacob’s Ladder?

“We are climbing Jacob’s Ladder, rung by rung and step by step. Every rung goes higher and higher looking back just brings regret. Keep on looking forward till you reach that top.  We are climbing Jacob’s Ladder, Soldiers of the Cross!” 

Remember gang; be like Paul.  Keep your eyes FORWARD!  Jesus even tells us that no one who sets their hand to the plow and looks back is worthy of His Kingdom (Luke 9:62).  Keep Eyes front and look forward to what God has in-store for you!  An eternal home in heaven with Him, the crown of righteousness, every tear wiped from eyes!

But it’s not enough to just look forward, faith means we move forward too!  What’s the first word of the Great Commission?  GO!  The “Pause” in our lesson’s title is not to separate us from the GO but to bring us closer to what it means “TO GO!”  In the Greek “GO” is a progressive present/future tense.  As I go, as I KEEP GOING….  Don’t be one of those people who look forward but never move forward, “I should go but…”  And don’t be one of those people whose excuse is what they did in the past, “Well, I went so now I don’t have to.”  Or one paralyzed by their  regrets over their past, “God could never use a person like me with all I have done!” No!  Look forward to that Crown of Righteousness and in the words of Charles Wesley, “bold approach the eternal throne and claim the crown thru Christ my own!”  The immense mercy, forgiveness, and grace of God is yours!  Let nothing hinder you from moving forward!  Not your past (it’s been forgiven) not our present circumstances (Jesus is with us), not the “what if’s” of tomorrow (God has wonderful plans for us, a future with Him for all eternity!  The wonder and glorious prize of His righteousness!)   Also don’t be one of those people who hinders others from moving forward!  Encourage don’t discourage!  Reach out!  Remind one another!  Not only point the way forward, take them by the hand (figuratively for now) and walk with them!  “This is the way we are going…  The way of Jesus, join us!” 

Calvin of the Calvin and Hobbes Cartoon strip commented that the biggest problem he had in combating anxiety was his certainty that his future would keep turning into his present.” But that’s not a problem when we think and remember that heaven and that crown of righteousness will one day soon be our present.  Just as Paul’s reflection on that great expectation kept him moving forward so must we.  Look forward to that folks and keep moving forward in that direction.  Paul looked and moved forward, and he left a legacy of a faithful witness and encouraged the workers that followed after him.  In Scriptures’ words, “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do:  forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).”  We are climbing Jacob’s Ladder, soldiers of the cross! 

I know that these times of “waiting” and isolation are wearying; I know y’all feel like giving up- but don’t!  These hard times will not last forever, but our God, His Word, our home in heaven and the Crown of righteousness in store for us will!  Our past is forgiven; Jesus’ presence is with us today!  The Holy Spirit, our Wonderful Counselor is here to cheer and guide us- meeting us where we are and willing to lead us where we need to go, and our future is secure because we have believed on Jesus’ name and in His promises and commands.  Let these facts give you strength and perseverance to face today and the courageous hope and contentment to entrust your tomorrows to our LORD.  We will be together soon- Funfetti cakes and Fellowship are coming!  In the meantime, feel free to email me at dray@wyliebaptist.org if you want to talk, and keep encouraging and looking out for each other!  Love in Christ, Darrin.